Перевод текста песни "Девушки поют"
В блоге Nekto Kovrov (kovrov.livejournal.com) обнаружен перевод текста песни группы АукцЫон "Девушки поют" на английский язык.
В блоге Nekto Kovrov (kovrov.livejournal.com) обнаружен перевод текста песни группы АукцЫон "Девушки поют" на английский язык. Данная новость должна порадовать тех поклонников группы, которые в силах оценить все лингвистические тонкости перевода и его эквиритмичность. Обратим лишь внимание, что название композиции в сравнении с его авторским переводом для обложки американского лицензионного издания немного изменилось.

Ladies' voices sing
Dmitry Ozersky "Girls Sing", translated from the Russian by Max Abelev (special thanks to Betty Abelev)
For the lighter-than-air, there is no, there is nowhere to depart
Why the fuss, no use, and then again, I hate trains with all my heart.
Flying high as light; you say: wait, wait, do not go
I never made it back home,
Never made it
Played/re-played it
Overstayed it, and yet, and yet
Yet, what a score:
All that was with someone else
Isn’t anymore
Fire, fire burning bright as dawn’s arriving flame
Ladies’ voices sing
I, I have made my choice and I choose what’s-your-name
Come and be my king
Thinking is too hard
Trusting harder still
All that wasn’t meant for me
Never ever will
Trusting hurts my head
Thinking even more
All that was with someone else
Isn’t anymore
Rope, rope is tight around the neck and dinner’s served
You’re my weakest link
Mind, mind, it flies along a parabolic curve
Silly thing to think
Thinking is too hard
Trusting harder still
All that wasn’t meant for me
Never ever will
If your trip wears you out
Then no doubt
You’ll be taken someplace
And there, day in, day out,
You’ll forget his face
Flying high as a cloud; they all shout: wait, wait, do not go
I never made it back home,
Never made it
Played/re-played it
Overstayed it, and yet, and yet
Yet, what a score:
All that was with someone else
Isn’t anymore
Trusting hurts my head
Thinking even more
All that was with someone else
Isn’t anymore
Thinking is too hard
Trusting harder still
All that wasn’t meant for me
Never ever will
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